For the last month or so, every Monday night, I’ve been driving my younger son almost an hour to take music lessons. To be exact, he is taking private classical upright bass lessons. Even though it’s a lot of driving, I’ve actually been looking forward to these evenings, because it means we get time together in the car. Sometimes we are silent, but often we have some nice conversations.
During the lessons, I have been sketching. Sometimes I write some of the things the teacher says…
If you think ‘I’m not going to make it,’ you won’t make it.
“Monday night bass lesson” pencil and poppy oil on paper, 12 × 9 inches
If a note is wrong, the whole scale is wrong.
pencil sketch
Make me cry for the right reasons.
Bass lesson sketches
Bass lesson sketch
“Make me cry for the right reasons” is my favorite so far. That’s exactly what I always want from music. I want my heart to be moved; I want to cry.
Help me pay off the loan for my son’s upright bass by purchasing this painting:
Listening to the jazz lesson from the kitchen. This purchase would not only pay off the remainder of our loan for the bass, it would also pay for 6 months of private lessons for my son in 2025. (He takes jazz lessons as well as classical lessons.)
Or if you purchase this monotype, Jazz Lesson, it would pay for 6 private lessons.