“…I revel in the ambiguity.” — Kat Good-Schiff
Kat Good-Schiff opening the box of her first batch of chapbooks! Photo Credit: Jen Good-Schiff
My friend Kat Good-Schiff’s debut poetry chapbook has arrived! "Love Letters to Ghosts" was published in February by Meat For Tea Press. And my monotype is the art chosen for the cover! She recently wrote about why she chose it in her blog, Dragon’s Meow: Poetry and Paying Attention. What a gift, to see my artwork through her eyes.
I'm deeply honored to have my monotype chosen as the cover illustration. Kat wrote on her recent blog about why she chose this image:
"What captivates me is the power of the connection between the two figures, depicted gently with just a few strokes of black ink, combined with the atmospheric magic created by the monotype method. The texture and tonality of the ink gives the image a surreal quality, while the few spots of color sing out in surprise."
The cover of the poetry chapbook, illustrated by yours truly!
Kat describes her poems:
"The poems are odes and elegies to—among others—queers, immigrants, factory workers, aspiring astronauts, a former First Lady, domestic violence survivors, Emily Dickinson, Georgia O’Keeffe, Indigenous agriculturists, people with mental illness, feminists, young brown-skinned idealists, and female clergy. It contains a lot of heartbreak. It also includes flowers (of course), survival, forgiveness, hope, and love." —Kat Good-Schiff
You can order a copy of the poetry book at bookshop.org.
The back cover of Love Letters to Ghosts.
One of the poems, Daffodils, was previously published in 2016 by Autumn Sky Poetry Daily.
“Black Socks and Bouquet” monotype by Lauren Kindle, 9 × 6 inches.
Further Reading:
Man With Black Socks: I talk about the painting I made, which came out of these series of monotypes.
In This One: Another poem by Kat Good-Schiff which I had the honoring of publishing in my blog a few years ago.