"Yay! There's no school!"
--my kids
"Crowscall" painting by Stephen Dinsmore
So...it's another snow day!! I thought I would share a few of my favorite snow-paintings with you. The kids are home from school, jumping all around on the furniture and quarreling with each other. I told them I would be "nice" today if they just let me get this blog post published... and that's sort of working. This winter, we have had so many snow days and two hour delays and early dismissals due to weather! I'm forced to accept more chaos into my life; I'm just not in control of my days.
"Snow Bank" oil on canvas, 11x14" by Kristen Peyton (my roommate from Italy!)
I subscribe to the Savvy Painter newsletter by Antrese Wood, and yesterday I read an old email with good advice. Antrese explains that it's unhelpful to see our studio time as all-or-nothing. She writes:
"Instead of thinking, 'I can't get anything done in an hour,' try thinking, 'What can I get done in the next 20-30 minutes?'...In the same way that small choices that take you away from your painting add up, the same is true for making small choices that bring you towards your painting. It adds up. Don't underestimate it."
"Winter Shadows" by Jennifer Irvine 30x30" oilpainting
In a way, losing my illusion of control is a good thing, It makes me take myself less seriously. It also encourages me to figure out ways to make art in a variety of circumstances. Today this might mean some small, quick studies, or some time playing around with collage with gouache and paper.
"Christmas Shadows" 30x24" by David Langevin
The kids actually like messing around with paint too, so it might be a win-win. But, first I'm going to get them outside to burn off some energy playing in the snow!
Paysage by Nicolas de Staël, , 1952
"Winter Musings" my blog post from a year ago, February.
"Studio Practice" my blog from last week, where I describe my ideal studio day (which doesn't always happen, as you can see!)