"Do not work too hard, but work all the time."
"I love you as you are." oil on board, 17x23"
My kids started school last week, and I'm slowly finding my way back into my natural creative rhythm. I really thrive on routine! My ideal Studio Practice starts with some yoga in the morning, and maybe a walk or a little journaling, and then a juicy block of time in my studio from 10 am- 3 pm. Afternoons, the kids are home and the activities and family obligations take over, and that is a beautiful thing, too!
I intend to work steadily in my studio, but in moderation. "Do not work too hard, but work all the time," is something my artist friend Ken told me, and it's probably the best advice I've ever had. I'm going to listen to my body's signs of stress and not overwork it, and hopefully avoid a return of the long-term pain I have had in the past. (See "With a Light Heart.")
So, I'm being gentle with myself as I get back into my studio. I spend time puttering and organizing all my art supplies. I indulge in some Intentional Loitering. I lie on the floor of my studio and do some of the quiet breathing meditations that I learned from therapy.*
I tell myself: "I love you as you are."
I buy myself flowers...and...I PAINT!!
*My infinite gratitude goes to Ixeeya Beacher and Dr. Valerie Turner, PT, DPT. Both of these amazing women have helped me so much with the life-changing physical therapy they provided when I needed it.