“I often find myself there…”
ink wash by JD Wissler (sketchbook)
standing there looking
toward the horizon
toward that which holds you...keeps you from moving
keeps you looking
perceived...painted, drawn , remembered
I often find myself there ( or is it here?)
standing and looking
painting , squinting , remembering
being there is life
distant and vital , at the same time
holding, and moving , at the same time
I often find my self there.......
monotype by JD Wissler
There, in the Meadow
there, in the meadow
sound, moving
wind steadily louder
shutters begin to tap on the bricks
I glance out the window, into the dark
I look at mom saying, just stepping out to feel
feel the chill
wind, enlivening the skin on my face
my hair moving
my eyes turn to the night sky
between the clouds.... stars
between the clouds.... moon
wind every where
surrounding moving
sounding through the bare branches
I suddenly know the cold (no coat on )
I smile thinking of friends together painting...looking at the night sky
turning toward the porch...toward the door
now in the warm
the wind still sounding outside
reminding me how lucky I am
Lucky to have feeling
to have time to see
to experience
there...wind in the meadow......
artist Emily Nelligan (1924-2018)
Her quiet soul fills the island air
hand moving over paper
as tide rises and falls
spirit touching each stone
again ...and ...again
light , dark, horizon, sea
she is the island
the island is she
kindred, kind soul
whisper in the darkness
drawing by Emily Nelligan
Further Reading:
Looking up With John David Wissler (Savvy Painter Interview)
“Vigil’s Muse” a poem by Margaret Campbell
My own poems: Shapes, Roman Moon, Garlic, Glutton Before Death, My Son, Solitude’s Trespass